Monday, 8 November 2010

New Tau Army

Well I'm finally back from a short break from posting. Don't ask what I've been up to it's far too boring and complicated.

So I've taken the step of starting a new army. Unlike many people out there I have gone for one of the older Codex's.

So this is the Tau list I'm thinking of using.

Tau 2000 points - "Shadow Blade" Hunter Cadre

Commander Shas'o 221pts - Hard-wired multi-tracker, Hard-wired drone controller, Twin-linked fusion blaster, Plasma rifle
2x Gun drone
Bodyguard - Hard-wired multi-tracker, Hardwired target lock, Twin-linked fusion blaster, Plasma rifle

Crisis Battlesuit Team (2 suits) 126pts - Twin-linked fusion blasters, Plasma rifles

Fire Warrior Team (10 man) 200pts - Bonding knife
Devilfish Transport - Disruption pod

Fire Warrior Team (10 man) 200pts - Bonding knife
Devilfish Transport - Disruption pod

Fire Warrior Team (10 man) 200pts - Bonding knife
Devilfish Transport - Disruption pod

Fire Warrior Team (10 man) 200pts - Bonding knife
Devilfish Transport - Disruption pod

Fire Warrior Team (10 man) 200pts - Bonding knife
Devilfish Transport - Disruption pod

Fast Attack
Gun Drone Squadron (6 Drones) 72pts

Heavy Support 
Broadside Team (3 suits) 250pts - Shas'vre w/ Shield generator, 2 battle suits w/ Target lock
Hammerhead Gunship 165pts - 2x Burst Cannons, Multi-tracker, Disrution pod
Hammerhead Gunship 165pts - 2x Burst Cannons, Multi-tracker, Disrution pod

My main battle plan for this list is to move the fire warriors up in their transports with the crisis team and Shas'o in support. Their main job is to tackle any threats which slip through the railgun net either taking down transports with fusion blasts or troops/MC's using the plasma rifles.

The broadsides and hammerheads will hang back and give fire support to the advancing transports hopefully taking out any transports or armour which threatens them. The gun drone team will also hang back with these units to add close support to combat any infantry units which try to close in on these heavy support units.

So guy's I know it's been a while but let me know what you think.


  1. You probably don't need six squads of FW/fish. Dropping one or two of them would free up a lot of points to get more battlesuits which will help with popping hard targets.

  2. My bad it should only be 5 Fire Warrior teams i shall edit it now.

    Thanks for mentioning it :)

    I was thinking of maxing troops as far as possible to try and make the most of the relatively poor troops.

    More crisis suits would be good, but I don't really want to get them too close unless I have plenty of troops to try and screen them or take out any threats which could attack them.
