
Welcome to a showcase of some of my models, please feel free to comment.

If you want your models to be displayed on this page just email me the pics and a brief description/comment.

Blood Angels

Mephiston Lord of Death
Sanguinary Priest
Sanguinary Guard with infernus pistol
Sanguinary Guard
Death Company marine with thunder hammer
Death Company marine with thunder hammer
Tactical Squad Sergeant with plasma pistol and ccw
Tactical Squad Sergeant with plasma pistol and ccw
Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with bolt pistol and Glaive Encarmine
Space Hulk Terminator Librarian
Space Hulk Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Sword
Space Hulk Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Sword
Space Hulk Terminator with Lightning Claws
Space Hulk Terminator with Storm Bolter and Power Fist
Space Hulk Terminator with Storm Bolter and Power Fist
Space Hulk Terminator with Heavy Flamer and Power Fist
Space Hulk Terminator with Heavy Flamer and Power Fist
Space Hulk Terminator with Storm Bolter and Power Fist
Space Hulk Terminator with Storm Bolter and Power Fist

Daemon Hunters

Grey Knights Grand Master

Grey Knights in Power Armour
Grey Knights Justicar
Brother Captain Stern
Inquisitorial Chimera
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers
Inquisitors Familiar
Inquisitors Acolyte
Inquisitors Acolyte
Eversor Assassin 

Plague bearer
Plague bearer
Plague bearer
Plague bearer


Nob Mob
Ork Boy with Big Shoota
Ork Boy

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