Monday, 16 August 2010

Blood Angels vs Imperial fists - 2000 pts

Mercer came around on Saturday and we had a game, he was using his Imperial fists and I was using the Blood Angels list he posted on his blog.
The list recieved a slight revision prior to the battle, I dropped the Epistolary upgrade and used the points to put more missile launchers into the Devastator squads.

So let's get this party started.

Imperial Fists - 2000 pts


1 x Librarian w/ terminator armour & storm shield


5 x Assault Terminators - 2 x lightning claws & 3 x thunder hammers

5 x Assault Terminators - 5 x thunder hammers


10 x Tactical Marines w/ Rhino - 1 x meltagun, 1 x missile launcher sgt w/ combi melta, melta bombs Rhino w/ hunter killer

10 x Tactical Marines w/ Rhino - 1 x meltagun, 1 x missile launcher sgt w/ combi melta, melta bombs Rhino w/ hunter killer

10 x Tactical Marines w/ Rhino - 1 x  flamer, 1 x missile launcher sgt w/ combi flamer, melta bombs Rhino w/ hunter killer 

Fast Attack 
1 x Land Speeder - multi melta & heavy flamer 
1 x Land Speeder - multi melta & heavy flamer 
Heavy Support 
1 x Land Raider Crusader - 1 x multi melta & storm bolter 
1 x Land Raider Crusader - 1 x multi melta 
1 x Predator - autocannon & lascannons

Blood Angels - 2000 pts


Unnamed2000 Pts  -   Blood Angels Army

1 Librarian (HQ) @ 125 Pts
     #Psychic Hood; Jump Pack; Shield of Sanguinius; Unleash Rage; Bolt Pistol
     (x1); Force Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyker

3 Honour Guard (HQ) @ 230 Pts
     Meltagun (x3); Close Combat Weapon (x3); Jump Packs; Frag Grenades; Krak
     1 Honour Guard #1 @ [65] Pts
          Jump Packs; Meltagun (x1); Power Fist (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak
     1 Sanguinary Novitiate @ [45] Pts
          #Blood Chalice; Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol & CCW; Frag Grenades; Krak


1 Chaplain (Elites) @ 125 Pts
     Jump Pack; Bolt Pistol (x1); Crozius Arcanum; Frag Grenades; Krak
     Grenades; Rosarius

1 Chaplain (Elites) @ 125 Pts
     Jump Pack; Bolt Pistol (x1); Crozius Arcanum; Frag Grenades; Krak
     Grenades; Rosarius

1 Sanguinary Priest (Elites) @ 150 Pts
     Jump Pack; Bolt Pistol (x1); Close Combat Weapon (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak
     Grenades; Blood Chalice
     1 Sanguinary Priest #1 @ [75] Pts
          Jump Pack; Bolt Pistol (x1); Close Combat Weapon (x1); Frag Grenades;
          Krak Grenades; Blood Chalice


9 Assault Squad (Troops) @ 235 Pts
     Meltagun & CCW (x2); Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol & CCW (x7); Frag Grenades;
     Krak Grenades; Jump Packs
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [53] Pts
          Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Fist; Bolt Pistol; Jump Packs

9 Assault Squad (Troops) @ 235 Pts
     Meltagun & CCW (x2); Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol & CCW (x7); Frag Grenades;
     Krak Grenades; Jump Packs
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [53] Pts
          Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Fist; Bolt Pistol; Jump Packs

9 Assault Squad (Troops) @ 200 Pts
     Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol & CCW (x7); Flamer & CCW (x2); Frag Grenades;
     Krak Grenades; Jump Packs
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [28] Pts
          Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x1); Bolt Pistol;
          Jump Packs

9 Assault Squad (Troops) @ 200 Pts
     Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol & CCW (x7); Flamer & CCW (x2); Frag Grenades;
     Krak Grenades; Jump Packs
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [28] Pts
          Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x1); Bolt Pistol;
          Jump Packs

Heavy Support

4 Devastator Squad (Heavy Support) @ 130 Pts
     Bolt Pistol (x4); Missile Launcher (x4); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [26] Pts
          #Signum; Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

4 Devastator Squad (Heavy Support) @ 120 Pts
     Bolt Pistol (x4); Bolter (x1); Missile Launcher (x3); Frag Grenades; Krak
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [26] Pts
          #Signum; Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

4 Devastator Squad (Heavy Support) @ 120 Pts
     Bolt Pistol (x4); Bolter (x1); Missile Launcher (x3); Frag Grenades; Krak
     1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [26] Pts
          #Signum; Bolt Pistol; Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
Models in Army: 65

Total Army Cost: 1995

Pitched Battle, Seize Ground

I won the roll off and decided to go first, this will hopefully give me a second turn charge, with all those chaplains and priests floating about I need to get the first charge. To that end I deployed 1 melta assault squad with priest on the right flank with a flamer assault squad and chaplain. A devastator squad was deployed in the building next to these squads.

The second melta assault squad and priest were deployed behind the central ruin with a devastator squad deployed in the ruin. The final devastator squad was deployed in the left hand ruin with the second flamer assault squad, chaplain, honour guard and librarian were deployed between the left hand ruin and the central ruin.

Mercer deployed two missile launcher tactical combat squads in the central ruin on his side and the other missile launcher tactical combat squad in the ruin on the right side. He deployed his land raiders between these two ruins. the remainder of his tactical combat squads were deployed behind these in rhinos. The predator was deployed behind the land raiders right next the right hand ruin.

The land speeders were deployed behind the central ruin well out of sight.

OK so things are looking interesting I'm pretty much spread all the way across the board and Mercer has gone for a clustered deployment. The only problem I've got is once the assault starts I have nobody to hold my objectives. Mercer on the other hand has both of the objectives on his side covered (nothing like starting behind to make things interesting). 

The plan at this point is to surge forward, using the ruins as cover, ready to launch a second turn assault on those raiders and their terminator payloads.

Turn 1

Turn 1 start with both assault squads on the right hand side moving forward into cover ready to assault next turn. The assault squad in the centre stays put this turn, it's not worth moving them out until something comes into range in the next few turns. The assault squads on the left hand side move forward into cover ready to pounce on marks central objective next turn.

The shooting phase sees me toast my first rhino, even with the massive 3+ cover for being behind the land raider. The rest of my firing is largely ineffective as I only manage to take down a single marine, damn those cover saves.

Mercer shuffles his units slightly not coming forward which puts me at a disadvantage. His shooting only manages to down 2 assault marines from the melta squad on the right.

Shit things are looking a little awkward I really needed Mercer to come forward this turn and bring his units into striking range. Not to worry though he really had to think this turn about what he was going to do which was a change from normal. 

Those missile launchers are paying for themselves, they are giving him a real headache as they have pretty much the whole board covered. Mercer's lighter rhino transports have been virtually neutralised as he can't move them without exposing them to some serious fire power.

The plan still stands, move the assault squads forward and try to engage those land raiders. If I'm lucky I can pop them and get those terminator walking for the rest of the game. To be honest I'm not going to get the charge on them as they are still too far away.

Turn 2

The assault squads all move forwards heading towards Mercers objectives. The right hand melta squad is just within charge range as long as the terminators either get out the front or are trapped inside the wreckage of there transport (if I pop it). The central assault squad remains where it is again as it would be suicide to get them out now.

The melta assault squad on the right fires on the land raider and manages to score a lucky kill (just out of double pen range I roll a 6 to penetrate and then a 6 on the damage table), because it is only wrecked and doesn't explode the terminators exits via the side door out of assault range. The devastators manage to pop another rhino and kill 2 more tactical marines.

Mercer's turn starts with the second land raider getting bogged down in difficult terrain. The land speeders move out to engage the flamer assault squad. The tactical combat squad from the first popped rhino move into the left hand ruin ready to unleash hell on the assault squads. The terminators from the wrecked land raider move into assault range of the melta assault squad. The terminators from the immobilised land raider de-bus and move to assault the flamer assault squad on the left flank.

Mercer fires everything he's got at the flamer assault squad managing to kill 9 marines and the chaplain, the sergeant passes his morale check and stands his ground.

Both terminator squads assault the assault squads the right hand squad manages to all but the priest, sergeant and one marine. They only lose one terminator in the process. The other terminator squad assaults the flamer unit again killing 7 marines and only losing one of their own.

OK things started off going well with the first land raider going up in smoke but it meant the terminators were able to position themselves so they got the charge, not good. the other squad on that flank were sitting ducks but it still took 80% of Mercers army to take them down.

I am now locked in combat on both flanks with no real chance of winning, not only this but most of my troops choices are now dead or going to die soon. I have one squad left to try and hold 3 objectives and fight back.

But on the plus side the missile launchers are killing tanks at a rapid rate.

Turn 3

Turn 3 starts with my assault sergeant on the right flank moving back to try and secure my  objective. The assault squad in the centre move forward to secure that objective. The librarian and honour guard move behind the central ruin in Mercer's deployment zoneto try and contest that objective and force a draw or if I'm lucky a win.

The shooting starts with the honour guard firing on the combat squads in the ruins killing 2 but not enough to get them off the objective. the missile launchers fire on the tactical combat squads holding the objectives killing 2 marines from one squad removing it from play (yes a draw at the moment).

The assault phase sees the terminators finish off the right flank and then consolidate towards the lone sergeant. But the squad on the left flank are still locked in combat with the chaplain.

Mercer then moves his terminators through cover ready to assault the lone sergeant. One of his land speeders moves down the right flank to contest the objective on that side. The other moves to fire on the librarian and honour guard. The predator and 2 tactical squads (one of which left a transport) move to fire on the same unit.

Shooting sees everything in Mercers deployment zone open up on the honour guard and librarian, killing 1 and wounding the librarian. The tactical squad in the right hand ruin fires on the central devastator squad managing to kill one of them.

The assault phase sees the lone sergeant killed in combat by the terminator squad and librarian who the consolidate ready to tackle the devastators. The other terminator squad fails to kill the chaplain he managed all of his invulnerable saves.

OK so things could have gone better but I have been in worse situations. My only option now is to try and kill the remaining tactical marines in the centre of Mercer's deployment zone giving me a draw. The chaplain is still fighting yet again that rosarius is giving Mercer a real headache.

Turn 4

No movement from my boys this turn I don't have enough guys left or time to start getting brave.

Shooting for me is largely ineffective as Mercer makes his tactical marines go to ground giving them a 3+ cover save.

The assault phase sees the chaplain finally fall to the terminator squad, who then consolidate towards the Central objective in my deployment zone..

Mercer's turn sees a lot more action. The left hand terminator squad continue to move towards the objective and the final area of resistance. The terminator squad on the right flank move forward ready to assault the devastators in the ruins.

The shooting sees another member of the central devastator squad fall to fire from the right hand tactical missile launcher the rest of Mercer's shooting fails to do any damage.

In assault the terminator and librarian on the right flank attack the devastators killing all but the sergeant, who promptly turns tail and flees like a screaming nancy boy.

Right back to the normal drill. My only option left is to hold the line and hope my boys can keep hold of the remaining objective. Whilst my remaining devastators pummel his squads from a distance and try to get them off the objectives they hold.

Mercer goes back to steam rollering the remainder of my force like normal.

Turn 5

My remaining assault squad move out of cover to engage the terminators in close combat, better to take them on my terms than to hold back and allow them to have the initiative. The remainer of my army stays where it is to try and take out the tactical marines on the central objective. The lone devastator sergeant continues to fall back but luckily not off the board this turn.

Shooting sees the melta marines fire on the terminators but they fail to kill any. The devastators fire on the central tactical squad again but again Mercer sends them to ground passing all of his cover saves.

Assault sees the assault squad attacking the terminators killing two but losing 5 men in the process.

Mercer moves his central land speeder over to the left flank to contest that objective. His other Land speeder moves into  the centre to contest the objective.

His shooting phase sees the devastator in the centre of my deployment zone finally wiped out by fire from the predator and land raider.

The Blood Angels win the assault against the terminators and consolidate back onto the objective putting it firmly back under my control.

Well things aren't going too well for me now I have one objective and contest one with no chance of actually holding it if things go wrong.

But Mercer has limited mobility and no chance of getting a troops choice onto any of the contested objectives.


My melta assault squad moves back into cover to get some well deserved protection from Mercers remaining heavy weapons and tanks. The remaining meltagun in this squad stays in the doorway ready to pop the land speeder which has come to contest the objective.

The devastators fire on the central ruin but again the tactical marines pick this time to lay down and have a bit of a snooze and yet again they all passed their cover saves. The meltagun fires at the land speeder blowing it to pieces.

No assault for me this turn

Mercer moved his final land speeder to contest the objective. The rest of his army fires on the assault squad but fail to cause any wounds.

The game ends with Mercer holding two objectives and contesting two, I'm contesting two and holding none. A win to Mercer again DAMN!

Well it was a lot closer than normal with Mercer really having to work for the win, which is a big change from the norm.

My main fault was not using the honour guard properly they should have moved to the centre and attacked his armour with the assault squad in support but I used them the other way round. Lesson learned! Next time I'll have a better grip on things.

I've already posted one revision to this list but I'm working on another which I'll post either later or tomorrow.

Well done Mercer next time it won't be so easy LOL.

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  1. Getting there Kris, getting there. List is better, just tactics now - don't shoot meltaguns at basic grunts! lol.

  2. Unless they are the only target. Look mum no tanks LOL
