Thursday, 5 August 2010

Fucktards are out again!

It's happened again! Mercer posted his take on our last battle report on Dakka which seems to have brought the morons out of the woodwork again.

OK so it might just be my own opinion but there seems to be a lot of idiots hanging around at the moment on a certain forum I go on.

Now I posted my take on the battle we had and got nothing but good advice and insight into what happened, and yet Mark (Mercer) posted his take on it the socially inept decided to pounce on him. Yes he took a stompa and yes I knew about it, but this simple fact seems to be the catalyst for a lot of hate.

A stompa is an apocalypse unit but that doesn't mean you can't use it in a friendly game (which is what we were having.

I like playing against Mark for the simple reason he doesn't pull his punches. If I make a mistake or don't take his advice he makes me pay for it. For that I am greatful, because it's making me a better player. The first time we faced each other he walked all over me but as I play him more I am gradually getting better as people who read his Bat Reps will see. Yes he still stomps all over my army but he doesn't do it maliciously.

After each battle we spend a good 20 mins talking over what went wrong and how I can improve on the results, but this fact seems to be lost on the growing number of absolute fucktards who seem to roam the internet looking for a fight.

Statistics say that at least 1 person you know is one of these twats.

The worst thing is I have boots older than some of these little dick heads.

So in summary if these people haven't got anything constructive to say, shut the fuck up and stop insulting people you don't know. Keep your idiotic opinions to yourself because to be quite frank nobody gives a fuck what you think.

It's a forum for people to place their thoughts on the hobby and to discuss the ins and outs of the game not offend people by being a total cock end.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I personally am enjoying reading the batreps, and seeing you grow as a player under Mercers patient tutelage. (I hope that doesn't sound too condescending - it isn't meant to be).

    Yes, Titans are hard. But for the price of that Titan you could take two Honour Guard with JP and EIGHT meltaguns (plus a HQ)!!! Or Hammershield Termies with a Land Raider and Chaplain!! Both of which pose a serious threat to that Stompa, and the rest of his army as well...

    Think before you speak people...

  2. It's not condescending when it's true.

    Mercer has the patience of a saint to put with some of the mistakes I've made when playing him.

    It's supposed to be fun, some people just don't understand that losing can be just as rewarding as winning. As long as we both enjoy the game the end results don't really matter all that much.

    I will beat Mercer one day and when that happens I know I will have progressed greatly in terms of my tactics and lists.

    I like to think of myself as luke skywalker and that makes Mercer yoda :0) LOL

  3. We just have fun games and if Kris wanted he could bring a Battle Company formation and I'd be fine with it. I don't understand what the beef is, not like I turned up and said oh you're against this today lol, plus like TMiles said how many melta to roast that titan? It's not like it's mega tough, only a vehicle with 4 wounds!

    I've actually put some on ignore btw! The best bit was to let you win, how does that make you learn? lol.

    And Kris, you will beat me one day. Just get your list sorted, play to Angels strengths and stop deep striking! lol. I've noticed Priests you don't leave without now :D so the list is getting better...

    A taller fatter Yoda lol.
